New Website Launched

We just launched our new website
We’ve been hard at work on our brand new website, and we’re really excited to share it with you. A special shout out to the team at BentoBox with whom we partnered to bring you all these exciting new features.
If you have any feedback, we’d love to hear about it. Our goal is to make sure that it is easy to find what you are looking for, and that you are able to get exactly what you need in as few clicks as possible. Here’s a couple of the features that we’re excited to tell you about…
Our New Website is Responsive, Mobile Friendly and Quick to Load
Because you may be on the go using your cell phone, our website is designed from the ground up to be compatible with any device you might be browsing on, as well as any browser you prefer to use (like Google Chrome, Safari, FireFox, etc). We also made sure that no matter where you’re visiting our website from, that it loads nice and quick.
We structured our site in a way that makes it really easy to navigate
If you are looking for something specific within our website, we feel that it should be easy to find. Our navigation is designed in a way that makes sense to all of us humans.
We also made some great modernizations
Lastly, our new website is easy to update and change, so check back often for more new products, news, and specials from Baguette Republic. This is a new platform that we will help expand and grow online. Stay tuned for upcoming additional features.